Civil and Criminal Litigation

Civil and Criminal Litigation

Navigating the Legal Maze: Understanding Civil and Criminal Litigation

At FKNK law firm, we place an unwavering emphasis on upholding the highest ethical standards when advocating for our clients in both Indonesian courtrooms and arbitration settings. Our team of experienced litigators routinely serves as advocates, whether our clients are initiating legal action or responding to legal challenges.


Moreover, we extend our expertise in dispute resolution to provide comprehensive guidance to our clients. This includes not only navigating the intricacies of legal battles but also strategizing to achieve the most effective outcomes. In essence, we are committed to ensuring our clients’ interests are safeguarded and promoted while maintaining the utmost integrity throughout the legal process.

Key Contacts

Aldi Firmansyah

S.H., MH.

Maynanda Aulia

S.H., MH.

Adhika Iman Prayogo

S.H., M.Si (Han)

Ramos Romatua Sidjabat

S.H., LL.M.

Raja Karsito Purba


Muhammad Algifari


Faisal Al Haq Harahap


Bintang Maha Putra


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