Procedure for Requesting Copies of Corporate Legal Services Products


The Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia has issued Regulation of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2024 concerning Procedures for Requesting Copies of Corporate Legal Service Products which revokes Regulation of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2019 concerning Procedures for Requesting Copies of Decrees and/or Copies of Notification Receipt Letters of Limited Liability Companies, Foundations and Associations.

The aforementioned Corporation consists of: limited liability company; foundation; association; cooperative; civil partnership; firm partnership; and limited liability partnership. Copies of Corporate Legal Service Products can be provided based on an application that can be submitted electronically or non-electronically to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia through the Director General of General Legal Administration by the applicant in this case the board of directors; chairman of the board; active allies; or other parties authorized by the board of directors, chairman of the board, or active allies of the Corporation which is recorded last in the data of the Legal Entity Administration System or Business Entity Administration System.

Furthermore, requests for copies of Corporate Legal Service Products in the form of cooperatives can only be made for Corporate Legal Service Products that have been issued as of September 28, 2019. Furthermore, an application for a copy of a Corporate Legal Service Product can be made on the grounds that: The Corporate Legal Service Product is lost or the Corporate Legal Service Product is damaged.

Application for a Copy of Corporate Legal Service Product on the grounds that the Corporate Legal Service Product is lost, the applicant must attach the following required documents:

  • an application letter which at least contains the name of the Corporation, the number, and the date of the Corporate Legal Service Product requested;
  • a certificate from the Police regarding the loss of the requested Corporate Legal Service Product; and
  • proof of payment of non-tax state revenue fees.

In addition, in applying for a copy of a Corporate Legal Service Product on the grounds that the Corporate Legal Service Product is damaged, the applicant must attach the following required documents:

  • an application letter which at least contains the name of the corporation, number, and date of the Corporate Legal Service Product requested;
  • original and/or evidence of damaged Corporate Legal Service Products; and
  • proof of payment of non-tax state revenue fees.

A certificate from the Police regarding the loss of Legal Services Products must be reported directly by:

  • board of directors for limited liability companies;
  • chairman of the board for associations, foundations, and cooperatives;
  • active allies or allies who carry out the management actions of the Corporation that are last recorded in the database of the Legal Entity Administration System or Business Entity Administration System for civil partnerships or firm partnerships; or
  • other parties authorized by the board of directors, chairman of the board of management, active allies or allies who carry out the management actions of the Corporation last recorded in the database of the Legal Entity Administration System or Business Entity Administration System.

However, in the event that the application for a Copy of the Corporation’s Legal Service Product is submitted by another party, in addition to attaching the required documents, the applicant must also attach a power of attorney signed directly by the board of directors, chairman of the board, or active ally of the Corporation that is last recorded in the database of the Legal Entity Administration System or Business Entity Administration System.

Each application for a copy of the Corporate Legal Service Product is examined by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia through the Director General of General Legal Administration within a maximum period of 3 (three) days from the date the application is received.  Suppose the application is declared incomplete based on the examination results. In that case, the Director General of General Legal Administration shall notify the applicant to complete the required documents within a maximum period of 14 (fourteen) days as of the date of notification. If within that period the applicant does not complete the required documents, the application shall be rejected.

In the event that the application is declared complete based on the results of the examination, the Director General of General Legal Administration provides a copy of the Corporate Legal Service Product to the applicant within a maximum period of 14 (fourteen) days.

Thus, if your Company has problems in arranging a copy of the Corporate Legal Service Product, we are ready to assist.

Author: Faisal Alhaq Harahap ([email protected]) Reviewed by: Aldi Firmansyah ([email protected])