We Cover Their Legal Need

Established in 2011 by Aldi Firmansyah, Ichsan Perwira Kurniagung, Martin Patrick Nagel, and Widyantoro Kurnia, FKNK Law Firm is a multi-practice law firm based in Indonesia. With a commitment to providing innovative, strategic, and comprehensive legal services, we have built a reputation for maintaining the highest professional standards in the industry.
The partners of FKNK Law Firm are licensed and registered advocates and legal consultants pursuant to the Indonesian Law Number 18 Year 2003 regarding Advocate and Legal Consultants who have an extensive experiences in handling legal issues both litigation or non-litigation toward the legal fields under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia. Our areas of practice include the followings:
Firmansyah Kurniagung Nagel and Kurnia (FKNK) was founded by Mr. Aldi Firmansyah, Mr. Ichsan Perwira Kurniagung, Mr. Martin Patrick Nagel and Mr. Widyantoro. FKNK is a multi-practice Indonesian law firm which offers effective legal solutions and highly standardized legal services, for clients’ best interest as our priority.
Trusted by hundreds of companies, FKNK was involved from the establishment of our clients’ business to the operation of a successful company, from M&A to capital market deals, from energy business to infrastructure development, from general to commercial litigation, from construction to land disputes, and from arbitration proceedings to settle a bankruptcy/debt-restructuring case.
We humbly proud that the quality our service has acknowledged and awarded both at national and international level, by the Asian Legal Business in 2021 as Rising Star Lawyer, by Benchmark Litigation as one of 2019 and 2020 Top Tier Law Firm, listed as 99 Top Corporate Law Firm in Indonesia for year 2020 by Hukumonline.com, Recognized Midsize Indonesian Corporate Law Firms 2020 by Hukumonline.com, and International Advisory Expert in 2019 as Top Tier Law Firm.